Thursday, October 20, 2011

This is my fucking land so fuck the hell off...

I don't know about you, but I often had to listen to crap like this. Mostly when the natives; or that's how they call themselves scream at immigrants. The funny thing is this happens even inside a country. I was born and raised in a small town, and I obviously had to move out to work for a living.

I don't know about other countries but here in India if you're not from here around, or if you don't speak my language then you're not welcome. There are like 200 languages spoken here. Who in the world can learn so many languages? I'm already busy trying British and American accents just so I would sound cool. Where's the time to learn a new crazy language with exact pronunciations and accents right on the same day I landed here? I studied English for well over 17 fucking years and I still can't write a sentence without making mistakes!

They give you a hundred thousand reasons for why they are the rightful people to claim citizenship of a land. Like their ancestry, their pedigree, genealogy, damn old fossils of their great great great grandpa's peanuts, their culture, their freedom fighters, their music and thousand more bullshit I would also give them if they were to come to my  town. And my town is only a couple of hundred miles away! But I don't. Because quite frankly I don't give a fuck about who lived here a century ago. I'm here, and I'm paying for every shitty thing, and I have every fucking right to live here.

So here's a thought: People,  lands do not belong to people. You cannot own the Earth. Ever heard of dinosaurs? That's right some day you ass is also gonna be wiped off the face of Earth. People belong to lands. Lands own people. Damn well you live here today; it's going to be someone else tomorrow. So wake up and get a life or just shut the hell up and deal with it.

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